Several years ago, I was flying my shuttle around the Blorg system and I bumped into this thing. I was like, wtf? It was all, small and green

and, well, I think you know where this is going. At first I was like WHATEVER! I'll turn my way around and head back to Deep Space 55, but then IT turned around and looked. at. me.

???????? Okay, Okay, ok, Okay! It started crawling all up on my viewscreen and I couldn't see nothing. Redinks (ridiculous).

I was kind of out of it anyway, so I decided to just let it do that and take a snooze. But when I woke up, I was more ontop of it than it was ontop of me!

Seemed it'd grown about a gazillion (scientific estimate) times it's size! And you know me, got nothing better to do. So I set up a life there and we've been chilling ever since.

I wasn't sure what to call him so I "phoned" "up" a friend of mine and they suggested it be Gob. Fitting to me! He's pretty gobular.

I haven't found much information on his species anywhere, but from the looks of it he seems to just, like, sit and do nothing. So, in a sense, I guess you could say we have much in common.

The perfect planet for me!

DISCLAIMER: This site was made on a WINDOWS laptop with a resolution of 1920 x 1200 (16:10) with 125% scaling, viewed on Google Chrome with 90% zoom. So if it's all fucked up, PLEASE go into your settings right now...

Well, well, now onto this whole "webbed" "site" thing. Those stumbling all the way out here should know (if they haven't picked up already) that I am not the best at this whole HTML and CSS stuff. At the moment I'm just trying to get stuff up, but I'll work on making the site even more responsive (to other resolutions) eventualllyyyy (it makes me so anxious). Though probably never mobile friendly just based on the layout. Also bascially just made this site for me and my friend so i dont really gaf about that rn. This is also NOT my first neocities! I made one about a year ago for a school assignment LOL. And afterwards was working to make it more responsive (nervous sweat). I'm still proud of a lot of the assets I made, so if I ever finish fixing it I'll link it here! However, it IS kind of embarassing. As it's a school assignment. With personal writing. But again. Whatever. The aesthetics also pretty similar so if you happen to find it...(anime guy smiling, scratching back of head)

I've wanted to make a neocities like this for a couple years now. I'm just such a great big fan of this kind of thing. But what got me off my ass to finally actually really do it was another neocitizen. We're something like 3D IRL OOMFS, one could say. And I made this site so we could get to know each other better and stalk each other more! Hi oomf 👋 They're also the only neocity I regularly keep up with at the moment... But once I have more stuff up here, I'll explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before.

Main Pages

Diary (Casual, Introspective) - Self explanatory! And most excited about... Casual is kind of a Day In The Life. I have a calendar where I already do this. Introspective is larger grander thoughts and speculations about my life. I have Google Docs where I already do this.
Candles - An archive of all the scented candles I go through; how long they lasted, my thoughts on the smell, and maybe what the smells have come to remind me of.
Fun (Changelog, Gifs, Guestbook) - Changelog to keep track of the changes made to this site, though I'll only start it once I make the page so it'll be a while lol. Gifs to store all the gifs I have on my computer until I have no space left on neocities, like an archive (sort of have a thing for archives). And a guestbook for, well, guests!...

Extra Pages (in About)

Star Trek - Page about... Everything Star Trek related in my life basically. Why I got into it, my thoughts on the series, art I've made, posts I like, merchandise... I have... Whole shabangeeee
Watch/Watched List - Page of every TV show I've ever seen (that I can remember) and some thoughts on them, as well as shows I plan on watching.
Trinkets - Page explaining all of my trinkets! Kind of inspired by this one twitter post but I can't seem to track it down T_T. I have some random junk I keep for sentimental reasons (though not as aesthetic).

I also imagine this site and its appearance will grow and change over time. More gifs, perhaps? Sorry, it's hard on my eyes too. Well, okay, that's all! Byeeaeee